============= Huge phones ============= Apparently my cellphone's battery is finally dying, and I'm considering switching to a new phone this year. The battery can be replaced (although not easily), but I didn't like this phone much from the beginning. It's my first smartphone with a touchscreen, and I didn't use it as a smartphone, but merely for voice calls and SMS. The battery was pretty good when it was new (5 A*h), but it's heavy (200 g) and large (145 * 74 * 11 mm, 5-inch display): even in cargo pants it's uncomfortable to carry, so I usually don't carry it, unless I wear a backpack. So briefly I was somewhat enthusiastic about acquiring a new phone: could set LineageOS on it, an XMPP client, some OpenStreetMap software, a web browser to check Wikipedia, use it as a Wi-Fi access point in case if my Internet connection will go down, etc; a bunch of potentially useful applications. And this time I wouldn't go for the largest available battery, so it could be light and small. But I've discovered that phones tend to be huge now, even my current phone is on the smaller side. Out of curiosity, I've compared modern phones to older ones; their weights and measurements are close to those from 1995. Later they became smaller and lighter, and then people started packing hardware comparable to desktop computers into those. Smartphone prices also match those of desktop computers now. Another option I was thinking of is to get just a dumbphone. But even though I live fine without smartphone features at all, unfortunately it's increasingly assumed that everyone uses them, and access to services and communities is quite complicated without those. Which is okay normally, but not in emergencies or other unpleasant situations -- when everything goes wrong, following Murphy's law. Hopefully I'm overthinking it and it won't come to reliance on a smartphone for important and urgent tasks, but that looks like a possibility. Unrelated to technical aspects, I've noticed that just like most of the other unexpected non-Internet interactions, incoming cellphone calls and messages bring me much more of unpleasant sensations than of good ones: rarely somebody proposes a walk or something like that, but more often it's about payment requests (from ads/spam/scam to bills). That's an issue with abundance of spammers/scammers, and with accumulating responsibilities, but for me it gets associated with cellphones -- so it's tempting to imagine being happier without even a basic cellphone and all the stuff that comes through it, though that'd be blaming the messenger. Anyway, all the new 5G cellphones I've spotted in local online stores are huge. Perhaps I'll wait a bit more, hoping that smaller ones will appear. As I'm waiting for OpenWRT-supported routers with 802.11ax support to become available locally. While going for models supporting just older standards would be easier, yet more wasteful. It's not great to accumulate tasks for the future either, but dealing with all sorts of things seems to be a continuous process. ---- :Date: 2021-06-20