================= Annual breakage ================= It's 2020 now, a few days ago there were New Year celebrations and holidays. Those were rather unpleasant and stressful to me, as usual, and also as usual (and unrelated to unpleasantness and stress) things at work broke. I've counted 3 broken things so far, only learned about them by accident: two were reported to me because it wasn't clear where the issue is, one was reported to me by mistake (which somehow happens constantly too). I guess there were more, if 3 were just "spilled" at me. At this point I just find it amusing that it keeps happening. The causes are quite similar from year to year: table partitioning by year (with lack of new partitions, or of triggers on those, or something like that), deployment of faulty changes before holidays, hardcoded years or dates somewhere. It reminds me of the situation with infosec: a while ago I thought that security hacking is a dead end, because people (or at least programmers) as a whole will finally learn how to not mess things up. And that Nigerian Prince scam/spam will cease to exist, because people will learn (or be able to figure out) at least that, and other things like that. Instead, it's the same stuff over and over, just wrapped and labelled differently sometimes. ---- :Date: 2020-01-10