defanor's homepage

Here I write about the things I learn, use, do, and think of. The page about me includes contact information.


There is the index of notes. Most recently modified ones:

Music studies
Music theory, practice, and software ( to , 892 words)
Simpler server setup
Basic setup of DNS, WWW, mail, XMPP services ( to , 1695 words)
Email usage notes, including mail server maintenance ( to , 2091 words)
Reasonably healthy, quick, and easy to cook meals ( to , 5863 words)
Personal data storage
Storage and backup notes ( to , 1749 words)
Commercial software development
Purposes, technologies, and existential dread ( to , 1943 words)
Network abuse
A log of dealing with network abuse ( to , 1205 words)
Computing context
On extending the context in which personal computing is done ( to , 986 words)


Most of my recent hobby projects are on, mirrored on my GitHub page and on my Codeberg page.


There is the index of blog posts, and I have a separate Mastodon microblog. Below are the most recent blog entries.

There are many interesting things around, and I am trying to collect them: it is both for me, to keep them around, and for others who may be interested.